Giving Back: Hull Services Outdoor Labyrinth Project
SMP volunteers to put the finishing touches on the Outdoor Labyrinth Project at Hull Services Calgary Campus
September 19, 2022 by Natalie Tooley
On Friday, September 9, 2022 we had 15 volunteers spend their day at the Hull Services Calgary campus to work on the final touches of the outdoor labyrinth project, which we had fundraised for at our 2019 charity mini-putt (raising over $35,848 for the project!). Our work included shoveling and wheelbarrowing rundle stone into the concrete maze, watering, tamping and sweeping; building, staining and placing benches around the labyrinth, fixing and hanging the large gate, and adding chicken wire around the trees and vegetation to stop the deer from helping themselves.
Located outside of the school on the Hull campus, the outdoor labyrinth project offers another unique tool and fantastic space for residents and students to support their emotional regulation as walking a labyrinth can help calm the body and mind by providing a space that guides a person's focus inward. It can also reduce the nervous energy that prevents some people from being able to relax and let go of emotionally charged events in their life.